Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Updates to Schulz Family Tree Diagrams

I've begun adding detail to the Schulz family tree diagrams, located in the upper-right column of this blog.

I've added the Bernard & Matilda Schulz branch to the top-level diagram. I've expanded that line with a second page. Notice Matilda's parents appear in the diagram. We have more info on the Buth family to add in the future.

I'll add more branches and details in the future.

Link to top-level Schulz family tree diagram.

Link to Bernard & Matilda Schulz & children diagram.

Hugo Victor Schulz Family History by Wilma Schulz Dean

Here's a history of the Hugo Victor Schulz Family written by Wilma Schulz Dean, daughter of Hugo & Camilla Olson Schulz. Maybe someone in that branch of the family will continue it through later generations.

Bruno Viertel & Laura Lange

My aunt sent me this 1949 wedding photo of Bruno Conrad Viertel & Laura Emilie Lange. Bruno was the son of Otto Viertel & Martha Schulz, whose parents were Tobias & Wilhelmina Schulz.

Laura was a descendent of the Rachuig family. Her parents were Richard Lange & Lydia Rachuig, whose parents were August & Henrietta Rachuig. This is one of several instances of inter-marriage between the two families.

I've posted Bruno's obituary in the past. Here is Laura's.

Link to obituary for Laura Lange Viertel

Monday, July 18, 2011

2011 Rachui-Rachuy-Rachuig & Schulz Family Reunion

Our extended family held its annual reunion at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Norse, Texas on Saturday, July 16th. I think I speak for everyone when I say we had a very, very enjoyable time.

I didn't take notes, but I think this was the 56th Schulz reunion & the 35th Rachuig reunion. Some of you may not know, but we combined the two reunions a few years ago since they always occurred on the same day, & several of us are members of both families.

Clinton Schulz & his family, plus his sister Deane Grimmel traveled from the coast. Susan Read & her husband (Rachui family members) were first-time attendees, as was David Rachui, who traveled from North Carolina. [While I'm at it, Trent Knudson, was the oldest attendee, and Steve & Kim Weaver's grandson was the youngest. Sorry, but I don't recall his name, but I'll bet he's about 2-years old.]

A few points from the reunion:

  • I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I rotate priority of the surnames in the reunion announcement. Next year it will be the SCHULZ & Rachuy-Rachuig-Rachui Reunion.
  • Next year's reunion will be at Our Savior's in Norse. We couldn't ask for a better site. Many thanks to Helon Ruth for setting us up with the church. I look forward to next year's reunion.
  • If you have any memorabilia you want to post to this blog, feel free to send me scans or the originals, & I'll be certain to get them back to you.
  • Our Savior's has a Smorgasbord Dinner in November. There's a link below in case you're interested. It looks like a fun evening. Note the registration process.
  • I'd like to receive any genealogical data you have. Several of us use Family Tree Maker. I'll try to enter everything I receive & pass it on to others who are interested.
  • I'll include in my next post an overall family tree, so you can make sense of the various branches of the Schulz family as it has grown.
I'll try to post items to this blog more frequently this year. Send me news about births, marriages, deaths, or other significant events, & I'll announce them.

Try to make next year's reunion -- I think you'll have a good time.

A link to Our Savior's Luthern Church in Norse

A link to Our Savior's info about the Church's Smorgasbord Dinner in November