Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Schulz Family At The Family Home, 1904

I remember finding this photo among my grandfather's documents and wondering, "Why do we have pictures of a Mexican family in our family archives?" I got a magnifying glass and looked closer. I recognized the children first: "That's Uncle Walter and Aunt Hilda!" Then I began recognizing the adults, my great-grandparents first and then the others. Then I recognized the house. There's another picture taken at the same time with different poses. I used the children's ages to estimate the date, which must be sometime around 1904.

Here's a photo of the house taken in the early 1960s - I'm guessing at the same time as the reunion photo shown below.

Schulz Reunion, Early 1960s

This photo was taken at a Schulz family reunion sometime between 1963 - 1965. The location is the Schulz home north of Clifton, Texas.

Tobias and Wilhelmina Schulz, 1923

This is a photo of Tobias and Wilhelmina on their way to church in 1923. They are standing at the front gate of their home north of Clifton, Texas.